Sunday, 2 December 2012

Where has 2012 nearly gone?!?

I can't believe it's December already, and that my last post was sometime in July! As any crafter knows, Christmas gets here all too soon when you intend to handmake as many gifts as possible.

But this year I just could not get myself into the spirit. I have other projects I wanted to finish this year and all the Christmas crafts I was interested in were just too fiddly.

I tried these birds but I'm not happy with them - at all! As my kids and their peers would say.... FAIL!!!!
Okay, they're not that bad, but not quite what I was hoping for.

Looks like I'll be running the gauntlet through my local shopping centre this year.

Rufus Rabbit

Vintage Bunny

Speaking of this year, here's a quick catch up on some the cuties that I have been happy with....

Vintage Houndstooth

Pinkie Pig

 One of my Beautiful Chemo Girls - 'Bald Is Beautiful'

Another of my Beautiful Chemo Girls - 'Bald Is Beautiful'

That's all for now, folks!

Bella Blue - Completed!

Bella Blue, Upcycled and ready for her new home!