Saturday 30 April 2011

Just about finished Mermaid #3, and Something For The Boys.

I have three Mondie Dolls to finish. I've decided to sell my stuff at the local markets and also try to leave some at craft and gift shops on consignment. But then I realised that I don't quite have enough stock, and I didn't have anything to appeal to boys. The constant hand sewing was giving me pretty intense shoulder pain so I decided to get back the mermaids to give my shoulders and hands a break.

I have now completed mermaid number three. I made a pretty bodgy stand for her with cheap and very low quality polymer clay (will post it for a laugh when I get chance) and it does her absolutely no justice whatsoever, so I'm trying to think of a way of making a really nice one for her. I'd like her to look like she's floating under water.

Also recently tried my hand at making a "Softie" and although I'm not too impressed with the result, my kids think it's okay so I'll give it a go at the market. The design was okay. I didn't use a pattern and just kind of made things up as I went. Where I fell down was in using stretch material (yes, I can hear all you sewers saying "Well, duh!").
So the alien softie is for the boys, and so are the three bats I've begun to hand sew. I will have photos up as soon as I get some time. It's all very exciting and I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

And so it begins!

My first blog. It's all very exciting! I have no idea who is going to read this but it is such a wonderful medium for Creatives to just get stuff out of their heads and hearts.

If you happen to stumble across it at this early stage and are interested in any of my crafts, please email me. They are all for sale but I haven't sorted all that out yet.

Now, it's time for bed. Tomorrow I will attach a head to mermaid number three, do her scales and then bake her!
This is sample of a work in progress. This is Mermaid Eva unfinihsed, unbaked. Freaky huh!

Bella Blue - Completed!

Bella Blue, Upcycled and ready for her new home!